Pegasus Sextortion Scam Image

Screen Reader Section
I'm going to cut to the chase. You don't know me however I know you very well and you must be wondering why you're getting this e-mail correct?
I actually placed Pegasus (spyware) on porn website & guess what, you visited same porn website to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, your browser started working as a RDP (Remote Protocol) having a backdoor which provided me accessibility to your device as well as your camera recordings. Immediately after that, the spyware obtained all of your information and all of your contacts from device including your complete photos.
Exactly what did I do?
It's simply your bad luck that I noticed your blunder. Next, I invested more time that I probably should have exploring into your life and created a split-screen videotape. 1st half shoes the recordings you were viewing and the second part displays the capture from your cam (its you doing nasty things). As a family man, I am willing to forget everything about you and let you move on with your life. And I will give you a way out which will make it happen. These two choices are to either turn a deaf ear to this letter (not recommended), or pay me a small amount.
What should you do?
Let's investigate those 2 options in details. Option 1 is to disregard my email. You should know what will happen if you pick this path. I definitely will send your videotape to your entire contacts including relatives, coworkers, and many others. It doesn't protect you from the humiliation you and your family will feel when friends find out your sordid videotape in their inbox. Wise [choice] is to pay me, and be confidential about it. We'll name it my "keep the secret tip". Let's discuss what will happen when you select this way out. Your secret remains your secret. I will keep my mouth silent. Once you pay me my fees, You can freely continue on with your lifetime and family that nothing like this ever happened. You'll make the transfer by Bitcoin
Amount to be sent: $1950
BTC Address: [scammer controlled BTC wallet]
[Malicious QR code]
Notice: You now have one day to make the payment. (I have a special pixel in this email, and now I know that you have read through this email). The method to have bitcoins can take some time so don't wait. If I don't receive the Bitcoins, I will [definitely] send your sextape to all of your contacts including family members, reply with "yes!" and I definitely will send out your sextape to your 13 friends everyday. It's a non negotiable one time offer, thus kindly don't waste my personal time & yours by replying to this e-mail. You should know what my software will still be keeping tracking of what action you are taking when you are done reading this letter. To be honest, If you try to act smart then I am going to send your sextape to your close relative, co-workers before time finishes.
Pegasus Sextortion Scam Resources
The Pegasus Sextortion Scam is discussed in more detail within our Trending Scams section.