Please review the following "Forums Rules" before beginning a new post or participating in any discussions.
1. Respect Community Members
Treat everyone with respect. Absolutely no harassment, witch hunting, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.
2. Stay On Topic:
Keep your posts related to the on-going discussion within the thread.
3. No Spam or Self Promotion
Don't post advertisements, junk, or anything that might be deemed as "irrelevant" - it's annoying for everyone in our community.
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We do not recommend using your real name when creating an account, or using any information that can be used to personally identify you. Additionally, please ensure that any information you post within our forums are "sanitized" by removing any personal information.
6. Recovery Services
ALL recovery service offers are known as Recovery Scams. Do not offer to assist in recovery services. This is a zero-tolerance rule, you will be permanently banned from the community forums for advertising recovery services, regardless if you're doing so in good-faith.
Please report any community member who claims to be able to provide recovery services to a forum Moderator or Administrator.
7. Not Safe For Work
Do not post any comment or image that could be classified as "NSFW" without using the appropriate tag. ALL posts marked as NSFW should be relevant to a particular scam. All posts marked as NSFW must first be approved by a forum Moderator or Administrator before they are publicly viewable, so please be patient. Any attempt to circumvent this rule may result in a permanent ban.
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